
Blockchain Certification Road Map

Melissa Richardson

A Blockchain Certification demonstrates the necessary knowledge and the ability to do a variety of different things in the blockchain community. The BTA Certified exams are difficult exams and the test takers must show ample knowledge in order to attain certification. Blockchain jobs are growing at an impressive rate and the...

Blockchain Solutions in Dubai will save the Government $1.5 Billion Dollars per year By 2020

Melissa Richardson

1.5 BILLION dollars! How much money is that really? Officials from Smart Dubai believe they will save $1.5 Billion dollars PER YEAR, by implementing blockchain solutions. That is enough money to buy an MLB franchise, at least a couple Premier League Clubs, an entire fleet of commercial airliners, build another...

Blockchain Conferences, Summits and Events

Melissa Richardson

 Blockchain Summits, Conferences and events are happening just about everyday, all over the world! The list below will be a constantly changing and updated source for anyone looking to find an event they would like to attend. Please feel free to use this as a resource and please feel free...

Blockchain Security Vs. Standard Cybersecurity

Melissa Richardson

Both traditional computing environments and the blockchain have security considerations associated with them.  In many cases, the same attack is possible against both paradigms but the details of how to implement it vary. Here, we discuss how a few different attacks can be launched against traditional computing environments and the blockchain.